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Formerly Smart Podcast Player

Encourage binge listening. Drive conversion to email. Reward fans with transcripts.
 That and more is possible with our toolbox of podcasting software.

We’re podcasters at heart who dare to build our own tools.

Back in 2015, our co-founder Pat Flynn had a problem. He wanted to delight visitors to his website with the ability to listen to any episode from his podcast. Right there, on the site. Options were sparse, ugly, and just not quite right back then. So we built one. That tool became Smart Podcast Player (SPP), and the podcasting world rejoiced.

We enhanced SPP in the years that followed. All the while, new pain points and innovative ideas emerged as the podcasting industry boomed. We sat on those pain points and innovative ideas for a while. But no more.

Today, we’re Fusebox—the same core team with a new name that embodies our expanded mission to build a toolbox of powerful software to empower podcasters with dynamic ways of energizing their audiences to drive engagement and results.

Our players will always be at our core. But there’s a lot more we can—and will—build to help all of us podcasters take control of our future.

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